Lazy Day at the Weissman

 I legitimately did nothing for the first 8 hours of Sunday April 3rd, 2022. I laid up in bed and lounged around the guest house we were staying in at the Weissman Institute. Dad began his conference on this day, so I got to sleep in and finally recoup from my several days of traveling. I’m not normally one to rest during trips out of town. I generally prefer to absolutely run myself into the ground. But the truth is, Rehovot doesn’t have much to explore. It’s kind of a suburb of Tel Aviv where normal people just live and work. No attractions. Well, if you Google “What to do in Rehovot” the most interesting suggestion is to visit the Weissman Institute. So, I relaxed about and watched IRONMAN South Africa online. 

The main task of the day was to actually organize the main task for the next day- a tour to Jerusalem. A colleague of my dad’s got us in touch with a few possibilities, but I had to decide on specifics. Honestly this was a pretty stressful ordeal because it was a pricey endeavor. But I’m a sucker for once-in-a-lifetime experiences and I have a deep fear of & repulsion for regret, so I was going outside my original budget for this. Eventually I got it sorted. 

At 6pm the conference people had a planned dinner. We’d all meet in the local partical accelerator for a meal. Oh you know just your neighborhood friendly partical accelerator. The accelerator is a research facility within the Institute and on campus right by the guest house. I’ve attached a photo below and I would love to type out the specifics of what the hell a partical accelerator is and why this particular one is above ground since I always pictured them deep down in the ground, but I don’t have wifi where I am right now. I’ll leave you with my own personal definition that you ought take only half-seriously: A partical accelerator is a research place, like a big chamber thing, where physicists do outrageously microscopic experiments with atoms and molecules like making them spin around really fast or split or fuse or bounce around in beans of light. I also picture them trying to prove that dark matter exists in these chambers. Idk man, I should have read the signs in the building. But anyways, this one isn’t used anymore and I reckon it isn’t leaking radioactive ions or anything, so we all consumed delicious food within the top bulb area. Meal is pictured below as well as the view from the dining room. 

After this I slept. I’ve not been on a good sleep schedule at all this entire trip and I’ve never struggled with jet lag this much before. For the first few nights I’d wake up at around 1 or 2am and stay awake for two hours, unable to shut of my mind. The other nights (like tonight) I’ve had much difficulty falling asleep!

Next post will have some substance to it, Jerusalem was a good day. 


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